Changes to these Flight Regulations shall be approved by a majority of members present at a meeting duly called and convened in accordance with the By-laws; provided, however, that the Board of Directors may establish, revise, revoke, amend or otherwise alter one or more of these Flight Regulations if they determine that such a change is necessary or desirable and that the delay required to obtain the approval of the Members would adversely affect the Club. Any change so adopted will be referred to the Members for approval as described in the bylaws at the next regular or special meeting of the Members.
The only extenuating circumstances that might relieve the member of this responsibility are mechanical and/or weather. If a member cannot return an aircraft as scheduled, he/she must contact the AMO or a Club director and abide by the director's decision. Communications must be established. Messages left on answering devices will not suffice. A listing of directors names and telephone numbers are in each aircraft. Guidelines: If the mechanical problem can be repaired within 24 hours, or weather improvement is forecast within 24 hours, the member shall be responsible for returning the aircraft. If the member opts to abandon the aircraft, all expenses incurred by the Club in returning the plane shall be borne by the member.
Each member is required to record aircraft or simulator usage in the furnished log. The entry must include the member's name, date and time of use, and beginning and ending Hobbs and tachometer readings. When entering ending time, if the meter numbers have begun to move, the next higher number is to be used.
Last updated on: Tuesday, November 11, 2003
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